I stand to let it seep
saturate my pores with invisible things
warmth touches my skin my cells my atoms my eternal being
excites me with thoughts of things to come
molds the loneliness of winter into the thawed sweetness of spring
fix my posture
stand up straight
look up
slowly close my eyes
i stand to let it seep
saturate my pores with invisible things
warmth touches my skin my cells my atoms my eternal being
I close my eyes
dreams carve the contours of my mind
the rivers of thought,
splashing the back of my eyelids with visions
visions of what I want to be
what I want to do
Where I want to go
flicking different pieces of the ideas of past present and future together
producing memories-
smells of sweet
smells of bitter
tastes of tart...
wait- a fleck of gold found
the arm of longing extends to pull it closer
the hand of want spreads to grasp the vague discovery
pastels begin to rearrange the textures, the lines, the shapes, the hues
oh, i see now,
i understand
i remember
open my eyes
take in a deep smooth breath of cool air
the sun shifts hiding its face behind a slightly transparent cloud
keep walking
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