Thursday, December 20, 2007

dick 20th

dear readers,

Theres a limit to your love. like a water fall in slow motion. like a map with no ocean.
theres a limit to your love your love your love.

umm that doesnt make sense to me right now

I just felt like typing that sorry.

but something that does make sense,

I know only me can save me.
true. very true. lots of people need to realize that too.
(this all has to do with a song im listening to.)

I don't miss anyone.
The only people I would miss Ive seen in the past week. right on.

So today I went to the city with the summer crew minus lisa and k arv

it was good to be with everyone again. kinda like a miny reunion. me likey.
I miss that. by the way.

and im tired as balls right now so im going to sleep night hoes.

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