Sunday, December 16, 2007

no im kidding

hmmmm so today I was sitting in my bed and listening to
and I realized that I really wanted to my sitting on a large flat stone suspended in the middle of a running the moonlight listening to the water smoothly rush by and that i wanted to dip my fingertips into the cool water and watch the designs that my spread fingers created on the moonlit surface of the water. I wish it was that type of night where its really quiet outside and the only thing you can here is a calm wind slipping its way through the branches of near by trees. I tried to draw the picture i had in my head but i think it would take way more concentration than i was willing to put into it at the time. here are some things i wish to accomplish in the near future:
get back into yoga
start up my really healthy eating again
try some news things
get some damn champagne because i love it
meet some new people
meet a guy

i love the snow outside but i really do wish it wasn't winter.

by the way I gave this kid my number when i was a Starbucks the other night (he works there) and i told him to call me after he got off work...ha
and...he did. and we hung out along with kris and lis
it was funny because the three of us (lis kris and i) are fuckin hilarious when we get anyway this kid is a kid that i saw along time ago..during the summer when we were in Starbucks and i gave him a bouncy ball in his tip jar hahah ...but he was alot cuter then...he needs to not be in an "emo" phase. ew. so three years ago. sick nast. anyway i figured why the hell not? because i think hes still kind of cute and secondly i wanted to see whether he would actually call me back. which was a success.... HA. but not i feel kind of bad because he seems to like me and i don't know about that.. hahah alright that's all i have on that situation right now. ill update later. baahahah as if anyone gives a SHIT
sck my dck

i really want to learn how to surf. I want to go to cali and stay with my aunt and cousins for a month or so and long board and learn how to surf and get a killer tan. shit there are so many things I want to do/ need to do/ yearn to do. blahhhh if only i had some money, and if only all of the places i applied to a month ago WOULD CALL ME BACK. adk;ljgdlfdljkg oh well their goddamn loss. just kidding if i want money i need to be more ambitious than that. but seriously sometimes i lose the want to do anything ....all i want to do is get a care of some sort, get lis and kris and kris and just hit the road, but seriously what person my age doesn't feel that way? DEPRESSING. i am just another brick in the goddamn wall but then not....see this is what my thoughts are like I'm really a glass is half full person and then at the same time i get those thoughts of how I'm dust in the wind and then I'm like hey you know what thas bull shit, and actually no fun at all to think that way, so then i cut the crap and realize, hey need to go to bed.

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